I just signed a contract for my next story - Handsome Hero Wanted. This was a wild ride. It has a 6 man orgy, group sex, public sex, sexy naked men, kilts and of course aliens! Everything to spice up your life. Projected release is May 2013 so stay tuned for cover art.
Blurb below just because I like to tease you *W* Five men. One harem. To determine the next heir to the throne. Drayton Starberg takes his ship to the planet Falla Bray to join a harem in hopes of scoring money to fix up his old space ship. He has to compete with four other human like species to please the king and be chosen to use his DNA for the new heir. Problem is, each of the other males are growing on him and the king is having a hard time picking just one. Who will be the king’s handsome hero? COMING MAY FROM EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING!
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